
Segelreise Sardinien für die ganze Familie entlang der Costa Smeralda . Segeln und Baden.
Code no.:
Mittelmeer West
in 2020 um Korfu
2.450,00 € *
Sailing with whales and dolphins on a private yacht in the Strait of Gibraltar
Cruise between Euope and Africa ccompanied by a marine biologist
7 days from Gibraltar
Code no.:
Mittelmeer West
Mit Meeresbiologen
2.050,00 € *
Sailing with whales and dolphins on a private yacht in the Strait of Gibraltar
Cruise between Euope and Africa ccompanied by a marine biologist
7 days from Gibraltar
Code no.:
Mittelmeer West
Ein Tag mit Meeresbiologen
2.050,00 € *

cruises 1 - 3 of 3