The coasts are riddled with fjords and between high, snow-capped mountains, vast glaciers pave their way into the sea.
In winter, almost the entire archipelago is enclosed by ice. In summer, the Gulf Stream ensures a relatively mild climate and temperatures around 5 ° C. At this time of year there is hardly any rain and it is not dark. The vegetation is sparse, but the very fact of great beauty. On land you can see huge colonies of nesting birds. But also mammals such as arctic foxes, reindeer and polar bears live here. The sea around Svalbard is home to seals, walrus, and various species of whales.
From the field trip leader, you know all about this wonderful area, its history and the flora and fauna. Every day we offer one to two excursions on land. One focus is on the photograph. Moreover you have enough space and time to experience this unique natural environment. Between the field trips we sail to a new goal.
Meanwhile, you can entertain in a warm room ssich with a cup of tea with their fellow passengers, comfortably read a book or even edit your photos.
S1: West and north coasts of Spitsbergen 05.09.-09.17.2013 - 13 days
S2: Topics Photography 18.09.-09.26.2013 - 9 days
Experience the unique charm of the Arctic, while it is still preserved.
Spitzbergen - Wildnis im Eis
Die Küsten sind von Fjorden durchzogen und zwischen hohen, schneebedeckten Bergen bahnen sich gewaltige Gletscher ihren Weg ins Meer. Im Winter ist beinahe die gesamte Inselgruppe vom Packeis eingeschlossen.
Im Sommer sorgt der Golfstrom für ein vergleichsweise mildes Klima und Temperaturen um 5° C. Zu dieser Jahreszeit fällt kaum Regen und es wird nicht dunkel. Die Vegetation ist karg, aber gerade dadurch von besonderer Schönheit.
An Land sieht man riesige Kolonien von brütenden Zugvögeln. Aber auch Säugetiere wie Polarfüchse, Rentiere und Eisbären leben hier. Die See um Spitzbergen ist Heimat von Seehunden, Walrossen und verschiedenen Walarten.
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